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  Due to the current situation, many of the Salsa-Parties listed on this web site don´t exist anymore. For further details please inquire with the organizer  
  "Archivbilder: Viele der hier noch gelisteten Salsa Parties haben CoVid nicht überlebt. Erkundigt Euch beim jeweiligen Veranstalter.  

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Salsa à Tilburg, Pays-Bas - Salsa in Tilburg, Netherlands
Salsa in Tilburg, Nederland - Salsa in Tilburg, Niederlande

Hier zijn fotos van het jaarlijkse feest Festival Mundial in
Tilburg ( Deze foto's zijn genomen door Kay Schwintek, Keulen - bedankt!

Das "Festival Mundial" findet jährlich einmal in der niederländischen Stadt Tilburg statt. Zwei Tage
open-air Live-Musik vom Feinsten. Unter anderem mit Salsa erster Güte. Erstklassig organisiert, günstige Tickets,
Busshuttle vom Parkplatz und Bahnhof, vielfältige Speisen zu fairen Preisen).

Here some pictures of the annual Salsa Festival "Festival Mundial" in Tilburg, Netherlands.
For more information see the Club list entry.

Festival Mundial, Tilburg
Festival Mundial, Tilburg Festival Mundial, Tilburg
Festival Mundial, Tilburg
Festival Mundial, Tilburg Festival Mundial, Tilburg Festival Mundial, Tilburg
Festival Mundial, Tilburg Festival Mundial, Tilburg Festival Mundial, Tilburg
Festival Mundial, Tilburg Festival Mundial, Tilburg
Fotos: Kay Schwintek

Archief: Netherlands - Nederland:   Arnhem: Ziko´s | Beek: Mondial | Berlicum: De Witte Zwaan | Eindhoven: Chicano´s | Enschede: Rico Latino
Haarlem: Station | Heerlen (Voerendaal): De Borenburg | Heerlen: Mundial | Heerlen: Tulip Inn | Heerlen: Peppermill
Maastricht: Café Cliniq | Maastricht: D'n Hiemel | Maastricht: Platte Zaol | Maastricht: Kadans | Maastricht: La Mulata | Maastricht: Salsa Beach | Maastricht: StayOkay | Roermond: Sunset Lounge | Roermond: Vlonder
Salsa Breeze at Sunrise Beachclub | Simpelveld: Partycentrum Jos Frijns | Tilburg: Salsipuedes | Tilburg: Festival Mundial | Weert: Beatrix | Zandvoort: Mangos

Archief: Pictures of Salsa-Clubs in Belgium:   Brussel - Brussels - Bruxelles | Antwerpen | Salsa in Eupen | Eupen: Landhaus | Genk: Ritmo Latino | Gent | Hasselt: Ritmo | Salsa in Eynatten (Prov. Liége) | Salsa in Sippenaeken (Prov. Liége)
Pictures of Salsa-Clubs in Luxemburg:   Dance by Niko, Wasserbillig | Brasserie Del Arret, Luxembourg | Stars Bar, Luxemburg | Salsa Boat Luxemburg  


Adresses + dates: Club lists Germany,
Towns:   A-G   |   H-P   |   Q-Z  
The Salsa discos of Germany: PICTURES !
Gallery: die Salsa-DJ´s of Germany

Looking for a dance partner for Your next trip to Austria ? Just click here: meet people: salsa dance partner forum | salsa-forum / discussion board  
Agenda: Salsa-Events in Germany: the Party Calendar!


Adressen + Termine: club list Austria
Salsa-Clubs sorted by days of the week
The Salsa scene of Austria: PHOTOS !
Gallery: the Salsa-DJ´s of Austria
take a look into the server housing of

Looking for a dance partner for Your next trip to Austria ? Just click here: dance partners and events in Austria


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danser Festival Mundial, Tilburg Fotos